Satrio Budiono (b. 1971)

Jakarta, Indonesia

November 8, 1971

Satrio Budiono is an Indonesian sound engineer for films.

Additional information:

The Search Form

Dialogue Editor:
2016  Rudy Habibie

Foley Editor:
2016  Rudy Habibie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2

Music Editor:
2016  Rudy Habibie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2

Scoring Mixer:
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2016  Rudy Habibie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2

2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2016  Rudy Habibie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Respati

Sound Designer:
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Director:
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Editor:
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Effects Editor:
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Engineer:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Mixer:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  5 sehat 4 sempurna
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2012  Rumah di Seribu Ombak
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Love You... Love You Not...
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  A Gift
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Re-Recording Mixer:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  5 sehat 4 sempurna
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Ca-Bau-Kan
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  Kiamat Sudah Dekat
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  The Stringless Violin
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Bukan Bintang Biasa
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Rokkap
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2012  Rumah di Seribu Ombak
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Love You... Love You Not...
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  A Gift
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Dear Imamku
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Konfabulasi
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Song for My Children
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  The Eleventh Body
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Recordist:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  5 sehat 4 sempurna
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Ca-Bau-Kan
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  Kiamat Sudah Dekat
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  The Stringless Violin
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Anak-anak Borobudur
2007  Bukan Bintang Biasa
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Drupadi
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Rokkap
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2012  Rumah di Seribu Ombak
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Love You... Love You Not...
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  A Gift
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Dear Imamku
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Konfabulasi
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  I Need You Baby
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Song for My Children
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  The Eleventh Body
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Supervisor:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  5 sehat 4 sempurna
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Ca-Bau-Kan
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  Kiamat Sudah Dekat
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  The Stringless Violin
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  30 Hari Mencari Cinta
2004  Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Lentera Merah
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Anak-anak Borobudur
2007  Bukan Bintang Biasa
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Drupadi
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Rokkap
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2012  Rumah di Seribu Ombak
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Love You... Love You Not...
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  A Gift
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Dear Imamku
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Konfabulasi
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  I Need You Baby
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Song for My Children
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  The Eleventh Body
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Supervising Sound Editor:
2001  Whispering Sands
2002  5 sehat 4 sempurna
2002  Andai Ia Tahu
2002  Ca-Bau-Kan
2002  Eliana, Eliana
2002  The Flag
2002  What's Up with Cinta?
2003  Biarkan Bintang Menari
2003  Cinta 24 Karat
2003  Durian
2003  Kiamat Sudah Dekat
2003  The Gathering
2003  The Seventh House
2003  The Stringless Violin
2003  Tusuk Jelangkung
2004  30 Hari Mencari Cinta
2004  Aku Ingin Menciummu Sekali Saja
2004  Petualangan 100 Jam
2005  About Someone
2005  Banyu Biru
2005  Gie
2005  The Soulmates
2005  Ungu Violet
2006  Garasi
2006  Gue Kapok Jatuh Cinta
2006  Jomblo
2006  Lentera Merah
2006  Message from Heaven
2006  The Chanting
2007  Anak-anak Borobudur
2007  Bukan Bintang Biasa
2007  Chants of Lotus
2007  D'Bijis
2007  Forever Love
2007  Ghost Island
2007  House with 1000 Doors
2007  Quickie Express
2007  The Chanting 2
2007  The Dead Nurse
2007  The Photograph
2007  Three Days to Forever
2008  D.O. (Drop Out)
2008  Drupadi
2008  Kawin Kontrak
2008  Kawin Kontrak Lagi
2008  Kesurupan
2008  Love Junction
2008  Oh Baby
2008  Rahasia Bintang
2008  Takut: Faces of Fear
2008  The Chanting 3
2008  Verses of Love
2008  Wife Rules: The Movie
2009  Feeling
2009  Fishing Platform
2009  Kambing Jantan: The Movie
2009  Merantau
2009  Punk in Love
2009  The Ghost of Ampera House
2010  Bahwa Cinta Itu Ada
2010  Demi Dewi
2010  Little Obama
2010  Naruto Bersyukur
2010  Ratu Kostmopolitan
2010  Rokkap
2010  Sunday Morning in Victoria Park
2010  Susah Jaga Keperawanan di Jakarta
2010  The Enlightener
2011  Akibat Pergaulan Bebas 2
2011  Cowok Bikin Pusing
2011  Dulu Banci
2011  Khalifah
2011  Question Mark
2011  Sebelah
2011  Tendangan Dari Langit
2012  Habibie & Ainun
2012  Jenderal Kancil: The Movie
2012  Rayya, Cahaya Di Atas Cahaya
2012  Rumah di Seribu Ombak
2013  Air Mata Terakhir Bunda
2013  Finding Srimulat
2013  Love From Wamena
2013  Mursala
2013  Pesan Dari Samudra
2013  Rectoverso
2013  Soekarno
2013  The Robbers
2014  Princess, Bajak Laut & Alien
2014  Street Society
2014  Unseen Sonata
2015  2014: Siapa Di Atas Presiden
2015  Air Mata Surga
2015  Ayat Ayat Adinda
2015  Filosofi Kopi
2015  Jenderal Soedirman
2015  Love You... Love You Not...
2015  Nada for Asa
2015  The Crescent Moon
2015  The Heaven None Missed
2015  The Hijra
2015  The Romantic Tourist
2016  Juara
2016  Letters from Prague
2016  Rudy Habibie
2016  Sunya
2016  What's Up with Cinta 2
2016  Wonderful Life
2017  Buka'an 8
2017  Filosofi Kopi 2: Ben & Jody
2017  Mooncake Story
2017  Suhu Beku: The Movie
2017  The Heaven None Missed 2
2017  Verses of Love 2
2018  A Gift
2018  Ananta
2018  Cinta sama dengan Cindolo na Tape
2018  Flight 555
2018  Forever Holiday in Bali
2018  Hanum & Rangga: Faith & The City
2018  Love for Sale
2018  Run to the Beach
2018  Sultan Agung
2018  Takut Kawin
2018  The Gift
2018  The Returning
2019  #MoveOnAja
2019  27 Steps of May
2019  Bridezilla
2019  Cemara's Family
2019  Danur 3: Sunyaruri
2019  Darah Daging
2019  Doremi & You
2019  Glorious Days
2019  Habibie & Ainun 3
2019  Humba Dreams
2019  Kapal Goyang Kapten
2019  Laundry Show
2019  Love for Sale 2
2019  Mountain Song
2019  The Wedding Shaman
2019  The Woven Path: Perempuan Tana Humba
2019  This Earth of Mankind
2019  Too Handsome to Handle
2019  Twivortiare
2020  Di Bawah Umur
2020  Dignitate
2020  Generasi 90an: Melankolia
2020  Ghost Painter
2020  Golek Garwo
2020  Islands of Faith
2020  Mecca, I'm Coming
2020  One Day We'll Talk About Today
2020  Rasuk 2
2020  Sabar Ini Ujian
2020  Story of Kale: When Someone's in Love
2020  X-tra Absurd
2021  A World Without
2021  Adit Sopo Jarwo: The Movie
2021  Dear Imamku
2021  Devil on Top
2021  Geez & Ann
2021  Ghibah
2021  Incredible Love
2021  June & Kopi
2021  Kadet 1947
2021  Konfabulasi
2021  Nussa
2021  Photocopier
2021  Tersanjung: The Movie
2021  The Heaven None Missed 3
2021  The Sea Calls for Me
2021  The Watcher
2021  Till Death Do Us Part
2021  Wedding Proposal
2022  Ayo Putus
2022  Ben & Jody
2022  Garis Waktu
2022  I Need You Baby
2022  Just Mom
2022  My Grandmother Is A Bird
2022  Naga Naga Naga
2022  Satria Dewa: Gatotkaca
2022  Song for My Children
2022  Stealing Raden Saleh
2022  The Earth of 3 Colors
2022  The Wheel of Life
2022  You Are Not Alone
2023  200 Pounds Beauty
2023  Adagium
2023  Andragogy
2023  Hitmen
2023  Kejar Mimpi Gaspol!
2023  Mantra Surugana
2023  Nona Manis Sayange
2023  One Big Sumba Family
2023  Pelet Tali Pocong
2023  Sara
2023  Scandal Makers
2023  Star Syndrome
2024  2nd Miracle in Cell No. 7
2024  A Young Wife's Witchcraft
2024  Aku Jati, Aku Asperger
2024  Ancika
2024  Ayo Balikan
2024  Bila Esok Ibu Tiada
2024  Dance of Death
2024  Dilan 1983
2024  Dinda
2024  Funny Couple
2024  Glenn Fredly: The Movie
2024  Kang Mak (From Pee Mak)
2024  Konco-Konco Edan
2024  Lembayung
2024  Mukidi
2024  My Therapist Said, I am Full of Sadness
2024  Perfected Grammar
2024  Puang Bos
2024  Respati
2024  The Eleventh Body
2024  Till Then, Hanna!
2024  Yohanna
2025  1 Imam 2 Makmum
2025  A Brother and 7 Siblings
2025  Cinta Tak Pernah Tepat Waktu
2025  Eva: Pendakian Terakhir
2025  Jumbo
2025  Ketindihan
????  Mothernet
????  Rangga & Cinta

Sound Designer:
2020  Malapataka
2023  Tira

Sound Re-Recording Mixer:
2020  Malapataka
2023  Tira

About the Movie Section

Most data and links to images for the Movies section come from TheMovieDB (TMDB).

Additional data for Film Titles come from The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

At least one plug-in comes from IMDb.

Data are -- hey, it's a plural -- subject to the limitations of their sources. (For example, TMDB search results currently max out at 20.) I am limiting myself to free data sources for now. (No, a "free trial" is not free.)

While much of the above data are retrieved directly from outside APIs and other such sources, data from American Film Institute (AFI) and British Film Institute (BFI) were manually entered the old fashioned way into a MySQL database. Re BFI I took the following liberties:

  • I added "runners up" to Top 10 lists, treating them as ties where applicable and numbering them accordingly at the bottom of each list.
  • Regarding those polls wherein "franchise" movies were submitted as one project until BFI's policy changed to regard them separately, I treated them as ties and renumbered the affected lists accordingly (e.g. the Godfather films).

Regarding profile removals and data corrections:

  • If you would like your profile removed from this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's gone from their site, it should soon be gone from this site.
  • If you would like to correct movie data on this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's corrected on their site, it should soon be corrected on this site.
  • For additional corrections and profile removals, please e-mail The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

Filtering is applied here to film projects flagged as "adult" by TheMovieDB. Pending "popular demand" I am contemplating a login and profile system with preferences (such as whether to allow adult images to appear) and permissions (such as data entry).

Whereas the overall purpose of this website is to serve as a personal demo/portfolio/workshop of web and data skills, this Movies section is not meant to compete with or substitute for far more definitive movie websites.

Whether or not he still clings to an award which he won in 1986 as a film critic for his college's newspaper, Jeffrey Hartmann is not responsible for the texts of overviews and biographies supplied by external data sources.