Anrijs Krenbergs

Gallery Unavailable

Additional information:

The Search Form

1994  Golden Summer
1994  On A Visit
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
2001  Provocation
2006  The Hostage

1994  Golden Summer
1994  On A Visit
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
2001  Barricades for Freedom
2001  Provocation
2004  Visions of Europe
2006  The Hostage
2008  The Bear is Coming!
2009  The Frog Who Didn't Sing
2010  Tiger
2011  A Poem
2012  Snow Crazy
2015  Under the Sun
2020  Pea Children

Sound Designer:
1994  Golden Summer
1994  On A Visit
1994  The Ferry
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
1995  The Mail
2001  Barricades for Freedom
2001  Provocation
2004  Visions of Europe
2006  The Hostage
2008  The Bear is Coming!
2009  The Frog Who Didn't Sing
2010  Tiger
2011  A Poem
2012  Snow Crazy
2014  Musketieri, Tubists & Bumbulītis
2015  Under the Sun
2018  Putin's Witnesses
2020  Pea Children
2021  Homes
2022  Paperhead
2024  Termini

Sound Director:
1986  Is It Easy to Be Young?
1987  Strange Moonlight
1987  The Photo of a Woman with a Boar
1989  Latvieši?!
1989  Soviets
1989  Svešais
1990  Crossroads
1990  Eve's Garden of Paradise
1994  Auto
1994  Golden Summer
1994  Grauzējs
1994  Klavieres
1994  Let's Fly?
1994  Līme
1994  On A Visit
1994  Ragi
1994  Smiekli
1994  The Ferry
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
1994  The Tail
1994  Ziemassvētki
1995  The Mail
1996  Bārda
1996  Iesnas
1996  Morning!
1996  Putnu būris
1997  Bumba
1998  Bird Days
1998  Leģenda par Jāni Tīdemani
1999  Home Hole Horrors
1999  Little Devils
1999  Murrr-gi
1999  Tristans un Izolde. Trīs stāsti par...
2000  Brickannia
2000  Parlaments
2000  The Baltic Saga
2000  Wedding
2001  Barricades for Freedom
2001  Frosty Flowers
2001  Hide-and-seek
2001  Lake Lubāns: Squaring the Circle
2001  Leaving by the way
2001  Magic Flute
2001  Measured by Your Own Measure
2001  Papa Gena
2001  Poco a poco
2001  Provocation
2001  Roof on the Moonway
2001  Spring
2001  Up and Down
2001  Wake Up!
2002  Cats
2002  Martin
2002  Sandbox
2002  Tale of the Palace
2002  Woman
2003  Firefly
2003  Never, Never, Ever!
2003  Planēta "Zolitūde"
2003  Sprīdītis Amerikā vai Does it Look Like Happiness?
2003  The Python
2004  Dream Land
2004  It'll Be Fine
2004  Kurš redzējis vārnu?
2004  Listen, Rabbit... Daddy goes to London
2004  Poēm pa kulšen
2004  Romeo and Juliet
2004  The Monument
2004  The Prickly
2004  Visions of Europe
2005  Ant Lion
2005  Dina
2005  Hurry Up, Munchausen, Hurry Up!
2005  Streetcar Named Help
2005  The Telephone
2005  You're Sexy When You're Sad
2006  Miega rūķi
2006  Papiņš
2006  Rezgalības II - pavasaris
2006  The Hostage
2006  The Three Musketeers
2006  The Water (Elements)
2006  The Witch's Button
2006  Theodore
2006  Us and Them
2007  Bitter Wine
2007  Don't Talk About It
2007  Fire (Elements)
2007  Half-a-Bear
2007  Hunting
2007  Smile, My Friend!
2007  The Church Will Arrive in the Evening
2007  The Latvian
2007  kabu:s
2008  Flap Your Wings!
2008  Nude
2008  Stones (Elements)
2008  The Bear is Coming!
2008  The New Species
2008  Three Men and a Fish Pond
2009  Amazon of the Avant-garde
2009  Master of Ice
2009  Obsession
2009  Pig's Happiness
2009  Selection
2009  Silence (Elements)
2009  Springtime on Vārnu Street
2009  The Breakwater
2009  The Frog Who Didn't Sing
2010  Behind the Wire
2010  How Are You Doing, Rudolf Ming?
2010  Is It Easy...? After 20 Years
2010  Jaguar's Corner
2010  On Rubik's Road
2010  Sounds Under the Sun
2010  The Little Worm
2010  Tiger
2010  Wonderful Day
2011  33 Animals of Santa Claus
2011  A Poem
2011  The End Game
2011  Čikāgas piecīši. Par mani, draudziņ, nebēdā
2012  Chronicles of the Last Temple
2012  Corrida
2012  Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
2012  Hedgehogs and The City
2012  I Want To See The Dwarves!
2012  Mona
2012  Pizzas
2012  Snow Crazy
2013  Brahms and Goat's Milk
2013  Forty Two
2013  Summer with Moses and a Golden Calf
2013  The Chimney
2013  Treasures Of The Sea
2014  Crispy
2014  Failed State. Are We?
2014  Freimis. Mārtiņš Freimanis
2014  Hotel and a Ball
2014  Little Ruddy
2014  Musketieri, Tubists & Bumbulītis
2014  Short Film About Life
2014  Sugarcane, Coati and Monowheel
2014  Then It's Hi! Hi! Hee!
2014  Vasa
2015  Dawn
2015  Guards of the Forest
2015  Hey, Rasma!
2015  Tower
2015  Under the Sun
2016  Dream
2016  Master's Secret Life
2016  Quantum Code
2016  Till The End Of The Scene
2016  Waterfall
2017  Blueberry Spirits
2017  Hello, Horse!
2017  Lidija
2017  Piglet's Journey
2017  The Wounded Rider
2018  Putin's Witnesses
2018  Secrets of Paris
2018  The Dust
2018  Thrown Into This World
2019  Brussels
2019  London Holidays
2019  Spoon
2020  Greece Treasures
2020  In the Mirror
2020  Pea Children
2020  The First Bridge
2020  What Silent Gerda Knows
2021  Homes
2022  Angry Bag
2022  Paperhead
2022  Sisters in Longing
2024  Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness To History
2024  Termini
2024  The Life of a Mushroom

Sound Editor:
1986  Is It Easy to Be Young?
1987  Strange Moonlight
1987  The Photo of a Woman with a Boar
1989  Latvieši?!
1989  Soviets
1989  Svešais
1990  Crossroads
1990  Eve's Garden of Paradise
1994  Auto
1994  Golden Summer
1994  Grauzējs
1994  Klavieres
1994  Let's Fly?
1994  Līme
1994  On A Visit
1994  Ragi
1994  Smiekli
1994  The Ferry
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
1994  The Tail
1994  Ziemassvētki
1995  The Mail
1996  Bārda
1996  Iesnas
1996  Morning!
1996  Putnu būris
1997  Bumba
1998  Bird Days
1998  Leģenda par Jāni Tīdemani
1998  The Shoe
1999  Home Hole Horrors
1999  Little Devils
1999  Murrr-gi
1999  Tristans un Izolde. Trīs stāsti par...
2000  Brickannia
2000  Parlaments
2000  The Baltic Saga
2000  Wedding
2001  Barricades for Freedom
2001  Frosty Flowers
2001  Hide-and-seek
2001  Lake Lubāns: Squaring the Circle
2001  Leaving by the way
2001  Magic Flute
2001  Measured by Your Own Measure
2001  Papa Gena
2001  Poco a poco
2001  Provocation
2001  Roof on the Moonway
2001  Spring
2001  Up and Down
2001  Wake Up!
2002  Cats
2002  Martin
2002  Sandbox
2002  Tale of the Palace
2002  Woman
2003  Firefly
2003  Never, Never, Ever!
2003  Planēta "Zolitūde"
2003  Sprīdītis Amerikā vai Does it Look Like Happiness?
2003  The Python
2004  Dream Land
2004  It'll Be Fine
2004  Kurš redzējis vārnu?
2004  Listen, Rabbit... Daddy goes to London
2004  Poēm pa kulšen
2004  Romeo and Juliet
2004  The Monument
2004  The Prickly
2004  Visions of Europe
2005  Ant Lion
2005  Dina
2005  Hurry Up, Munchausen, Hurry Up!
2005  Streetcar Named Help
2005  The Telephone
2005  You're Sexy When You're Sad
2006  Miega rūķi
2006  Papiņš
2006  Rezgalības II - pavasaris
2006  The Hostage
2006  The Three Musketeers
2006  The Water (Elements)
2006  The Witch's Button
2006  Theodore
2006  Us and Them
2007  Bitter Wine
2007  Don't Talk About It
2007  Fire (Elements)
2007  Half-a-Bear
2007  Hunting
2007  Smile, My Friend!
2007  The Church Will Arrive in the Evening
2007  The Latvian
2007  kabu:s
2008  Flap Your Wings!
2008  Nude
2008  Stones (Elements)
2008  The Bear is Coming!
2008  The New Species
2008  Three Men and a Fish Pond
2009  Amazon of the Avant-garde
2009  Little Robbers
2009  Master of Ice
2009  Obsession
2009  Pig's Happiness
2009  Selection
2009  Silence (Elements)
2009  Springtime on Vārnu Street
2009  The Breakwater
2009  The Frog Who Didn't Sing
2010  Behind the Wire
2010  How Are You Doing, Rudolf Ming?
2010  Is It Easy...? After 20 Years
2010  Jaguar's Corner
2010  On Rubik's Road
2010  Sounds Under the Sun
2010  The Little Worm
2010  Tiger
2010  Wonderful Day
2011  33 Animals of Santa Claus
2011  A Poem
2011  The End Game
2011  Čikāgas piecīši. Par mani, draudziņ, nebēdā
2012  Chronicles of the Last Temple
2012  Corrida
2012  Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
2012  Hedgehogs and The City
2012  I Want To See The Dwarves!
2012  Mona
2012  Pizzas
2012  Snow Crazy
2013  Brahms and Goat's Milk
2013  Forty Two
2013  Summer with Moses and a Golden Calf
2013  The Chimney
2013  Treasures Of The Sea
2014  Beyond The Fear
2014  Crispy
2014  Failed State. Are We?
2014  Freimis. Mārtiņš Freimanis
2014  Hotel and a Ball
2014  Little Ruddy
2014  Musketieri, Tubists & Bumbulītis
2014  Short Film About Life
2014  Sugarcane, Coati and Monowheel
2014  Then It's Hi! Hi! Hee!
2014  Vasa
2015  Dawn
2015  Guards of the Forest
2015  Hey, Rasma!
2015  Tower
2015  Under the Sun
2016  Dream
2016  Master's Secret Life
2016  Quantum Code
2016  Till The End Of The Scene
2016  Waterfall
2017  Blueberry Spirits
2017  Hello, Horse!
2017  Lidija
2017  Piglet's Journey
2017  The Wounded Rider
2018  Putin's Witnesses
2018  Secrets of Paris
2018  The Dust
2018  Thrown Into This World
2019  Brussels
2019  London Holidays
2019  Spoon
2020  Greece Treasures
2020  In the Mirror
2020  Pea Children
2020  The First Bridge
2020  What Silent Gerda Knows
2021  Homes
2022  Angry Bag
2022  Paperhead
2022  Sisters in Longing
2023  Henry the Great
2023  Upside Down
2024  Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness To History
2024  Termini
2024  The Life of a Mushroom
2024  The Odd Carrot

Sound Engineer:
1986  Is It Easy to Be Young?
1987  Strange Moonlight
1987  The Photo of a Woman with a Boar
1989  Latvieši?!
1989  Soviets
1989  Svešais
1990  Crossroads
1990  Eve's Garden of Paradise
1994  Auto
1994  Golden Summer
1994  Grauzējs
1994  Klavieres
1994  Let's Fly?
1994  Līme
1994  On A Visit
1994  Ragi
1994  Smiekli
1994  The Ferry
1994  The Riddle of the Long Beans
1994  The Tail
1994  Ziemassvētki
1995  The Mail
1996  Bārda
1996  Iesnas
1996  Morning!
1996  Putnu būris
1997  Bumba
1998  Bird Days
1998  Leģenda par Jāni Tīdemani
1998  The Shoe
1999  Home Hole Horrors
1999  Little Devils
1999  Murrr-gi
1999  Tristans un Izolde. Trīs stāsti par...
2000  Brickannia
2000  Parlaments
2000  The Baltic Saga
2000  Wedding
2001  Barricades for Freedom
2001  Frosty Flowers
2001  Hide-and-seek
2001  Lake Lubāns: Squaring the Circle
2001  Leaving by the way
2001  Magic Flute
2001  Measured by Your Own Measure
2001  Papa Gena
2001  Poco a poco
2001  Provocation
2001  Roof on the Moonway
2001  Spring
2001  Up and Down
2001  Wake Up!
2002  Cats
2002  Martin
2002  Sandbox
2002  Tale of the Palace
2002  Woman
2003  Firefly
2003  Never, Never, Ever!
2003  Planēta "Zolitūde"
2003  Sprīdītis Amerikā vai Does it Look Like Happiness?
2003  The Python
2004  Dream Land
2004  It'll Be Fine
2004  Kurš redzējis vārnu?
2004  Listen, Rabbit... Daddy goes to London
2004  Poēm pa kulšen
2004  Romeo and Juliet
2004  The Monument
2004  The Prickly
2004  Visions of Europe
2005  Ant Lion
2005  Dina
2005  Hurry Up, Munchausen, Hurry Up!
2005  Streetcar Named Help
2005  The Telephone
2005  You're Sexy When You're Sad
2006  Miega rūķi
2006  Papiņš
2006  Rezgalības II - pavasaris
2006  The Hostage
2006  The Three Musketeers
2006  The Water (Elements)
2006  The Witch's Button
2006  Theodore
2006  Us and Them
2007  Bitter Wine
2007  Don't Talk About It
2007  Fire (Elements)
2007  Half-a-Bear
2007  Hunting
2007  Smile, My Friend!
2007  The Church Will Arrive in the Evening
2007  The Latvian
2007  kabu:s
2008  Flap Your Wings!
2008  Nude
2008  Stones (Elements)
2008  The Bear is Coming!
2008  The New Species
2008  Three Men and a Fish Pond
2009  Amazon of the Avant-garde
2009  Little Robbers
2009  Master of Ice
2009  Obsession
2009  Pig's Happiness
2009  Selection
2009  Silence (Elements)
2009  Springtime on Vārnu Street
2009  The Breakwater
2009  The Frog Who Didn't Sing
2010  Behind the Wire
2010  How Are You Doing, Rudolf Ming?
2010  Is It Easy...? After 20 Years
2010  Jaguar's Corner
2010  On Rubik's Road
2010  Sounds Under the Sun
2010  The Little Worm
2010  Tiger
2010  Wonderful Day
2011  33 Animals of Santa Claus
2011  A Poem
2011  The End Game
2011  Čikāgas piecīši. Par mani, draudziņ, nebēdā
2012  Chronicles of the Last Temple
2012  Corrida
2012  Gulf Stream Under the Iceberg
2012  Hedgehogs and The City
2012  I Want To See The Dwarves!
2012  Mona
2012  Pizzas
2012  Snow Crazy
2013  Brahms and Goat's Milk
2013  Forty Two
2013  Summer with Moses and a Golden Calf
2013  The Chimney
2013  Treasures Of The Sea
2014  Beyond The Fear
2014  Crispy
2014  Failed State. Are We?
2014  Freimis. Mārtiņš Freimanis
2014  Hotel and a Ball
2014  Little Ruddy
2014  Musketieri, Tubists & Bumbulītis
2014  Short Film About Life
2014  Sugarcane, Coati and Monowheel
2014  Then It's Hi! Hi! Hee!
2014  Vasa
2015  Dawn
2015  Guards of the Forest
2015  Hey, Rasma!
2015  Tower
2015  Under the Sun
2016  Dream
2016  Master's Secret Life
2016  Quantum Code
2016  Till The End Of The Scene
2016  Waterfall
2017  Blueberry Spirits
2017  Hello, Horse!
2017  Lidija
2017  Piglet's Journey
2017  The Wounded Rider
2018  Putin's Witnesses
2018  Secrets of Paris
2018  The Dust
2018  Thrown Into This World
2019  Brussels
2019  London Holidays
2019  Spoon
2020  Greece Treasures
2020  In the Mirror
2020  Pea Children
2020  The First Bridge
2020  What Silent Gerda Knows
2021  Gorbachev. Heaven
2021  Homes
2022  Angry Bag
2022  Paperhead
2022  Sisters in Longing
2023  Henry the Great
2023  Upside Down
2024  Podnieks On Podnieks. A Witness To History
2024  Termini
2024  The Life of a Mushroom
2024  The Odd Carrot

About the Movie Section

Most data and links to images for the Movies section come from TheMovieDB (TMDB).

Additional data for Film Titles come from The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

At least one plug-in comes from IMDb.

Data are -- hey, it's a plural -- subject to the limitations of their sources. (For example, TMDB search results currently max out at 20.) I am limiting myself to free data sources for now. (No, a "free trial" is not free.)

While much of the above data are retrieved directly from outside APIs and other such sources, data from American Film Institute (AFI) and British Film Institute (BFI) were manually entered the old fashioned way into a MySQL database. Re BFI I took the following liberties:

  • I added "runners up" to Top 10 lists, treating them as ties where applicable and numbering them accordingly at the bottom of each list.
  • Regarding those polls wherein "franchise" movies were submitted as one project until BFI's policy changed to regard them separately, I treated them as ties and renumbered the affected lists accordingly (e.g. the Godfather films).

Regarding profile removals and data corrections:

  • If you would like your profile removed from this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's gone from their site, it should soon be gone from this site.
  • If you would like to correct movie data on this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's corrected on their site, it should soon be corrected on this site.
  • For additional corrections and profile removals, please e-mail The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

Filtering is applied here to film projects flagged as "adult" by TheMovieDB. Pending "popular demand" I am contemplating a login and profile system with preferences (such as whether to allow adult images to appear) and permissions (such as data entry).

Whereas the overall purpose of this website is to serve as a personal demo/portfolio/workshop of web and data skills, this Movies section is not meant to compete with or substitute for far more definitive movie websites.

Whether or not he still clings to an award which he won in 1986 as a film critic for his college's newspaper, Jeffrey Hartmann is not responsible for the texts of overviews and biographies supplied by external data sources.