Mike Kuchar (b. 1942)

New York, New York

August 31, 1942

Mike Kuchar, cinematographer, painter and writer and brother of George Kuchar, was born in New York City. He began making 8mm movies in the 1950's, switching over to 16mm film production in 1960, and continues now, producing short motion pictures in the video and digital formats. Mike and George Kuchar were the co-recipients of the "Vanguard Director Award" at the 11th CineVegas Film Festival, 2009, and the 2009 "Frameline Award" at the San Francisco International LGBT Film Festival.  "Film purists," says Mike, "tend to snub the digital medium — but as far as I'm concerned, if it allows the image to move and make noise, I'll gladly use it... and the format fits perfectly into my budgets too!"  Mike Kuchar is a 2017 John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow for his work in film and video.

Additional information:

The Search Form

1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1995  The Second Coming

1956  A Tub Named Desire
1957  The Naked and the Nude
1958  The Slasher
1959  The Thief and the Stripper
1960  I Was a Teenage Rumpot
1961  A Reel of Home Movies
1961  Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof
1962  Night of the Bomb
1963  Confessions of Babette
1963  Tootsies in Autumn
1964  Born of the Wind
1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1966  Green Desire
1966  The Secret of Wendel Samson
1967  Fragments
1967  The Craven Sluck
1968  Variations
1969  Chronicles
1970  Abode of the Snows
1970  Tales of the Bronx
1975  Bloodsucker
1975  Fur of the Field
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1976  Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults
1984  Fable for a new age
1984  Seascape
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1994  Blue Banshee
1995  Cupid’s Infirmary
1995  The Pictures of Dorian Gray
1995  The Second Coming
1996  Statue in the Park
1996  The Bristled Dagger
1997  A Widow's Web
1997  Candy Coated Evil
1997  On a Shore Beneath the Sky
1997  Purgatory Junction
1998  The Stranger in Apartment 9F
2000  Boy Toys
2000  Tryst
2002  Shepherd’s Poem
2002  Wind in My Sails
2003  Inspiration
2003  Miss Philly’s Valentine
2004  Day Dreaming
2004  Heaven Cannot Hold Them
2004  Romance
2005  Actors Descending and Ascending a Staircase
2005  Atonement
2005  In the Garden of Eros
2005  NightRise
2005  The Prayers of Cupie LaRue
2006  A Poem for Summer
2006  Celestial Murmurs
2006  Haunted
2006  Midnight Mass
2006  Sweet Dreams
2006  Zoology
2007  Fruit of the Serpent
2007  Incantation
2007  Paradise Gone
2007  Scarlet Petals
2007  State of Mind
2007  Vortex
2008  A Brief Summer’s Tale
2008  A Dream of Roses
2008  A Midsummer's Nightmare
2008  Peek-A-Boo
2008  Song of the Seven Senses
2008  The Faery Garden
2008  The Vernal Zone
2008  Witchery
2009  Animal
2009  Bedeviled
2009  Dumped!
2009  Ephemeral Seizure
2009  Idyll
2009  Stolen Sweets and Tattle Tales
2009  Swan Song
2009  The Tiger
2010  Debbie and the Demons
2010  Echo’s Garden
2010  Medusa’s Gaze
2010  Opal Essence
2010  The Dreamer’s Tale
2011  Free Form Frolic
2011  Litany of the Seven Kisses
2011  Splatter Movie
2011  The Stone Boy
2012  Disordered
2012  Meltdown
2012  Tickled Pink
2013  Ascension
2013  Devil’s Den
2013  Fallen Angels
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  SoulMates
2013  The Dragon’s Son
2014  Adam’s Apple
2014  Blue Vibrations
2014  Chasing Shadows
2014  Chromatic Effusion
2014  Coffee, Tea and Wizardry
2014  Dreamsville
2014  Lost Blues
2014  Rat Nest
2014  Soul Searchers
2014  Summer Sins
2015  A Rented Space
2015  Age of Anxiety
2015  Angels We
2015  Boy in the Mirror
2015  Museum of Damaged Art
2015  The Breeze and Him
2015  Wrestling with Angels
2016  Abstracted
2016  Dark Night of the Soul
2016  Five O'Clock Shadows
2017  Broken Gods
2017  Keeper of Secrets
2017  Meat with Bones
2017  Moon Lit Vows
2017  NightScape
2017  Soul Catcher
2017  SoulSurfers
2018  Flesh and the Stars
2018  Street Meat
2018  The Season of Shadows and Flame
2019  Celestial Horizons
2019  Him in the Night
2019  Inward Bound
2019  Pathways
2019  Sunkissed
2024  Kuchar-esque

Director of Photography:
1956  A Tub Named Desire
1957  The Naked and the Nude
1958  The Slasher
1959  The Thief and the Stripper
1960  I Was a Teenage Rumpot
1961  A Reel of Home Movies
1961  Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof
1962  Night of the Bomb
1963  Confessions of Babette
1963  Tootsies in Autumn
1964  Born of the Wind
1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1966  Green Desire
1966  The Secret of Wendel Samson
1967  Fragments
1967  The Craven Sluck
1968  Variations
1969  Chronicles
1970  Abode of the Snows
1970  Tales of the Bronx
1975  Bloodsucker
1975  Fur of the Field
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1976  Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults
1984  Fable for a new age
1984  Seascape
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1990  Positive
1990  Silence = Death
1994  Blue Banshee
1995  Cupid’s Infirmary
1995  The Pictures of Dorian Gray
1995  The Second Coming
1996  Statue in the Park
1996  The Bristled Dagger
1997  A Widow's Web
1997  Candy Coated Evil
1997  On a Shore Beneath the Sky
1997  Purgatory Junction
1998  The Stranger in Apartment 9F
2000  Boy Toys
2000  Tryst
2002  Shepherd’s Poem
2002  Wind in My Sails
2003  Inspiration
2003  Miss Philly’s Valentine
2004  Day Dreaming
2004  Heaven Cannot Hold Them
2004  Romance
2005  Actors Descending and Ascending a Staircase
2005  Atonement
2005  In the Garden of Eros
2005  NightRise
2005  The Prayers of Cupie LaRue
2006  A Poem for Summer
2006  Celestial Murmurs
2006  Haunted
2006  Midnight Mass
2006  Sweet Dreams
2006  Zoology
2007  Fruit of the Serpent
2007  Incantation
2007  Paradise Gone
2007  Scarlet Petals
2007  State of Mind
2007  Vortex
2008  A Brief Summer’s Tale
2008  A Dream of Roses
2008  A Midsummer's Nightmare
2008  Peek-A-Boo
2008  Song of the Seven Senses
2008  The Faery Garden
2008  The Vernal Zone
2008  Witchery
2009  Animal
2009  Bedeviled
2009  Dumped!
2009  Ephemeral Seizure
2009  Idyll
2009  Stolen Sweets and Tattle Tales
2009  Swan Song
2009  The Tiger
2010  Debbie and the Demons
2010  Echo’s Garden
2010  Medusa’s Gaze
2010  Opal Essence
2010  The Dreamer’s Tale
2011  Free Form Frolic
2011  Litany of the Seven Kisses
2011  Splatter Movie
2011  The Stone Boy
2012  Disordered
2012  Meltdown
2012  Tickled Pink
2013  Ascension
2013  Devil’s Den
2013  Fallen Angels
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  SoulMates
2013  The Dragon’s Son
2014  Adam’s Apple
2014  Blue Vibrations
2014  Chasing Shadows
2014  Chromatic Effusion
2014  Coffee, Tea and Wizardry
2014  Dreamsville
2014  Lost Blues
2014  Rat Nest
2014  Soul Searchers
2014  Summer Sins
2015  A Rented Space
2015  Age of Anxiety
2015  Angels We
2015  Boy in the Mirror
2015  Museum of Damaged Art
2015  The Breeze and Him
2015  Wrestling with Angels
2016  Abstracted
2016  Dark Night of the Soul
2016  Five O'Clock Shadows
2017  Broken Gods
2017  Keeper of Secrets
2017  Meat with Bones
2017  Moon Lit Vows
2017  NightScape
2017  Soul Catcher
2017  SoulSurfers
2018  Flesh and the Stars
2018  Street Meat
2018  The Season of Shadows and Flame
2019  Celestial Horizons
2019  Him in the Night
2019  Inward Bound
2019  Pathways
2019  Sunkissed
2024  Kuchar-esque

1956  A Tub Named Desire
1957  The Naked and the Nude
1958  The Slasher
1959  The Thief and the Stripper
1960  I Was a Teenage Rumpot
1961  A Reel of Home Movies
1961  Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof
1962  Night of the Bomb
1963  Confessions of Babette
1963  Tootsies in Autumn
1964  Born of the Wind
1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1966  Green Desire
1966  The Secret of Wendel Samson
1967  Fragments
1967  The Craven Sluck
1968  Variations
1969  Chronicles
1970  Abode of the Snows
1970  Tales of the Bronx
1975  Bloodsucker
1975  Fur of the Field
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1976  Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults
1984  Fable for a new age
1984  Seascape
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1990  Positive
1990  Silence = Death
1994  Blue Banshee
1995  Cupid’s Infirmary
1995  The Pictures of Dorian Gray
1995  The Second Coming
1996  Statue in the Park
1996  The Bristled Dagger
1997  A Widow's Web
1997  Candy Coated Evil
1997  On a Shore Beneath the Sky
1997  Purgatory Junction
1998  The Stranger in Apartment 9F
2000  Boy Toys
2000  Tryst
2002  Shepherd’s Poem
2002  Wind in My Sails
2003  Inspiration
2003  Miss Philly’s Valentine
2004  Day Dreaming
2004  Heaven Cannot Hold Them
2004  Romance
2005  Actors Descending and Ascending a Staircase
2005  Atonement
2005  In the Garden of Eros
2005  NightRise
2005  The Prayers of Cupie LaRue
2006  A Poem for Summer
2006  Celestial Murmurs
2006  Haunted
2006  Midnight Mass
2006  Sweet Dreams
2006  Zoology
2007  Fruit of the Serpent
2007  Incantation
2007  Paradise Gone
2007  Scarlet Petals
2007  State of Mind
2007  Vortex
2008  A Brief Summer’s Tale
2008  A Dream of Roses
2008  A Midsummer's Nightmare
2008  Peek-A-Boo
2008  Song of the Seven Senses
2008  The Faery Garden
2008  The Vernal Zone
2008  Witchery
2009  Animal
2009  Bedeviled
2009  Dumped!
2009  Ephemeral Seizure
2009  Idyll
2009  Stolen Sweets and Tattle Tales
2009  Swan Song
2009  The Tiger
2010  Debbie and the Demons
2010  Echo’s Garden
2010  Medusa’s Gaze
2010  Opal Essence
2010  The Dreamer’s Tale
2011  Free Form Frolic
2011  Litany of the Seven Kisses
2011  Splatter Movie
2011  The Stone Boy
2012  Disordered
2012  Meltdown
2012  Tickled Pink
2013  Ascension
2013  Devil’s Den
2013  Fallen Angels
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  SoulMates
2013  The Dragon’s Son
2014  Adam’s Apple
2014  Blue Vibrations
2014  Chasing Shadows
2014  Chromatic Effusion
2014  Coffee, Tea and Wizardry
2014  Dreamsville
2014  Lost Blues
2014  Rat Nest
2014  Soul Searchers
2014  Summer Sins
2015  A Rented Space
2015  Age of Anxiety
2015  Angels We
2015  Boy in the Mirror
2015  Museum of Damaged Art
2015  The Breeze and Him
2015  Wrestling with Angels
2016  Abstracted
2016  Dark Night of the Soul
2016  Five O'Clock Shadows
2017  Broken Gods
2017  Keeper of Secrets
2017  Meat with Bones
2017  Moon Lit Vows
2017  NightScape
2017  Soul Catcher
2017  SoulSurfers
2018  Flesh and the Stars
2018  Street Meat
2018  The Season of Shadows and Flame
2019  Celestial Horizons
2019  Him in the Night
2019  Inward Bound
2019  Pathways
2019  Sunkissed
2024  Kuchar-esque

1956  A Tub Named Desire
1957  The Naked and the Nude
1958  The Slasher
1959  The Thief and the Stripper
1960  I Was a Teenage Rumpot
1961  A Reel of Home Movies
1961  Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof
1962  Night of the Bomb
1963  Confessions of Babette
1963  Tootsies in Autumn
1964  Born of the Wind
1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1966  Green Desire
1966  The Secret of Wendel Samson
1967  Fragments
1967  The Craven Sluck
1968  Variations
1969  Chronicles
1970  Abode of the Snows
1970  Tales of the Bronx
1975  Bloodsucker
1975  Fur of the Field
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1976  Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults
1984  Fable for a new age
1984  Seascape
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1990  Positive
1990  Silence = Death
1994  Blue Banshee
1995  Cupid’s Infirmary
1995  The Pictures of Dorian Gray
1995  The Second Coming
1996  Statue in the Park
1996  The Bristled Dagger
1997  A Widow's Web
1997  Candy Coated Evil
1997  On a Shore Beneath the Sky
1997  Purgatory Junction
1998  The Stranger in Apartment 9F
2000  Boy Toys
2000  Tryst
2002  Shepherd’s Poem
2002  Wind in My Sails
2003  Inspiration
2003  Miss Philly’s Valentine
2004  Day Dreaming
2004  Heaven Cannot Hold Them
2004  Romance
2005  Actors Descending and Ascending a Staircase
2005  Atonement
2005  In the Garden of Eros
2005  NightRise
2005  The Prayers of Cupie LaRue
2006  A Poem for Summer
2006  Celestial Murmurs
2006  Haunted
2006  Midnight Mass
2006  Sweet Dreams
2006  Zoology
2007  Fruit of the Serpent
2007  Incantation
2007  Paradise Gone
2007  Scarlet Petals
2007  State of Mind
2007  Vortex
2008  A Brief Summer’s Tale
2008  A Dream of Roses
2008  A Midsummer's Nightmare
2008  Peek-A-Boo
2008  Song of the Seven Senses
2008  The Faery Garden
2008  The Vernal Zone
2008  Witchery
2009  Animal
2009  Bedeviled
2009  Dumped!
2009  Ephemeral Seizure
2009  Idyll
2009  Stolen Sweets and Tattle Tales
2009  Swan Song
2009  The Tiger
2010  Debbie and the Demons
2010  Echo’s Garden
2010  Medusa’s Gaze
2010  Opal Essence
2010  The Dreamer’s Tale
2011  Free Form Frolic
2011  Litany of the Seven Kisses
2011  Splatter Movie
2011  The Stone Boy
2012  Disordered
2012  Meltdown
2012  Tickled Pink
2013  Ascension
2013  Devil’s Den
2013  Fallen Angels
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  SoulMates
2013  The Dragon’s Son
2014  Adam’s Apple
2014  Blue Vibrations
2014  Chasing Shadows
2014  Chromatic Effusion
2014  Coffee, Tea and Wizardry
2014  Dreamsville
2014  Lost Blues
2014  Rat Nest
2014  Soul Searchers
2014  Summer Sins
2015  A Rented Space
2015  Age of Anxiety
2015  Angels We
2015  Boy in the Mirror
2015  Museum of Damaged Art
2015  The Breeze and Him
2015  Wrestling with Angels
2016  Abstracted
2016  Dark Night of the Soul
2016  Five O'Clock Shadows
2017  Broken Gods
2017  Keeper of Secrets
2017  Meat with Bones
2017  Moon Lit Vows
2017  NightScape
2017  Soul Catcher
2017  SoulSurfers
2018  Flesh and the Stars
2018  Street Meat
2018  The Season of Shadows and Flame
2019  Celestial Horizons
2019  Him in the Night
2019  Inward Bound
2019  Pathways
2019  Sunkissed
2024  Kuchar-esque

1956  A Tub Named Desire
1957  The Naked and the Nude
1958  The Slasher
1959  The Thief and the Stripper
1960  I Was a Teenage Rumpot
1961  A Reel of Home Movies
1961  Pussy on a Hot Tin Roof
1962  Night of the Bomb
1963  Confessions of Babette
1963  Tootsies in Autumn
1964  Born of the Wind
1965  Sins of the Fleshapoids
1966  Green Desire
1966  The Secret of Wendel Samson
1967  Fragments
1967  The Craven Sluck
1968  Variations
1969  Chronicles
1970  Abode of the Snows
1970  Tales of the Bronx
1975  Bloodsucker
1975  Fur of the Field
1975  The Devil's Cleavage
1976  Death Quest of the Ju-Ju Cults
1984  Fable for a new age
1984  Seascape
1990  Kiss Napoleon Goodbye
1990  Life Is Like a Cucumber
1990  Positive
1990  Silence = Death
1994  Blue Banshee
1995  Cupid’s Infirmary
1995  The Pictures of Dorian Gray
1995  The Second Coming
1996  Statue in the Park
1996  The Bristled Dagger
1997  A Widow's Web
1997  Candy Coated Evil
1997  On a Shore Beneath the Sky
1997  Purgatory Junction
1998  The Stranger in Apartment 9F
2000  Boy Toys
2000  Tryst
2002  Shepherd’s Poem
2002  Wind in My Sails
2003  Inspiration
2003  Miss Philly’s Valentine
2004  Day Dreaming
2004  Heaven Cannot Hold Them
2004  Romance
2005  Actors Descending and Ascending a Staircase
2005  Atonement
2005  In the Garden of Eros
2005  NightRise
2005  The Prayers of Cupie LaRue
2006  A Poem for Summer
2006  Celestial Murmurs
2006  Haunted
2006  Midnight Mass
2006  Sweet Dreams
2006  Zoology
2007  Fruit of the Serpent
2007  Incantation
2007  Paradise Gone
2007  Scarlet Petals
2007  State of Mind
2007  Vortex
2008  A Brief Summer’s Tale
2008  A Dream of Roses
2008  A Midsummer's Nightmare
2008  Peek-A-Boo
2008  Song of the Seven Senses
2008  The Faery Garden
2008  The Vernal Zone
2008  Witchery
2009  Animal
2009  Bedeviled
2009  Dumped!
2009  Ephemeral Seizure
2009  Idyll
2009  Stolen Sweets and Tattle Tales
2009  Swan Song
2009  The Tiger
2010  Debbie and the Demons
2010  Echo’s Garden
2010  Medusa’s Gaze
2010  Opal Essence
2010  The Dreamer’s Tale
2011  Free Form Frolic
2011  Litany of the Seven Kisses
2011  Splatter Movie
2011  The Stone Boy
2012  Disordered
2012  Meltdown
2012  Tickled Pink
2013  Ascension
2013  Devil’s Den
2013  Fallen Angels
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  Happy Birthday!
2013  SoulMates
2013  The Dragon’s Son
2014  Adam’s Apple
2014  Blue Vibrations
2014  Chasing Shadows
2014  Chromatic Effusion
2014  Coffee, Tea and Wizardry
2014  Dreamsville
2014  Lost Blues
2014  Rat Nest
2014  Soul Searchers
2014  Summer Sins
2015  A Rented Space
2015  Age of Anxiety
2015  Angels We
2015  Boy in the Mirror
2015  Museum of Damaged Art
2015  The Breeze and Him
2015  Wrestling with Angels
2016  Abstracted
2016  Dark Night of the Soul
2016  Five O'Clock Shadows
2017  Broken Gods
2017  Keeper of Secrets
2017  Meat with Bones
2017  Moon Lit Vows
2017  NightScape
2017  Soul Catcher
2017  SoulSurfers
2018  Flesh and the Stars
2018  Street Meat
2018  The Season of Shadows and Flame
2019  Celestial Horizons
2019  Him in the Night
2019  Inward Bound
2019  Pathways
2019  Sunkissed
2024  Kuchar-esque

About the Movie Section

Most data and links to images for the Movies section come from TheMovieDB (TMDB).

Additional data for Film Titles come from The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

At least one plug-in comes from IMDb.

Data are -- hey, it's a plural -- subject to the limitations of their sources. (For example, TMDB search results currently max out at 20.) I am limiting myself to free data sources for now. (No, a "free trial" is not free.)

While much of the above data are retrieved directly from outside APIs and other such sources, data from American Film Institute (AFI) and British Film Institute (BFI) were manually entered the old fashioned way into a MySQL database. Re BFI I took the following liberties:

  • I added "runners up" to Top 10 lists, treating them as ties where applicable and numbering them accordingly at the bottom of each list.
  • Regarding those polls wherein "franchise" movies were submitted as one project until BFI's policy changed to regard them separately, I treated them as ties and renumbered the affected lists accordingly (e.g. the Godfather films).

Regarding profile removals and data corrections:

  • If you would like your profile removed from this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's gone from their site, it should soon be gone from this site.
  • If you would like to correct movie data on this site, please contact the source of this data directly, TheMovieDB. My assumption is: once it's corrected on their site, it should soon be corrected on this site.
  • For additional corrections and profile removals, please e-mail The Open Movie Database (OMDb).

Filtering is applied here to film projects flagged as "adult" by TheMovieDB. Pending "popular demand" I am contemplating a login and profile system with preferences (such as whether to allow adult images to appear) and permissions (such as data entry).

Whereas the overall purpose of this website is to serve as a personal demo/portfolio/workshop of web and data skills, this Movies section is not meant to compete with or substitute for far more definitive movie websites.

Whether or not he still clings to an award which he won in 1986 as a film critic for his college's newspaper, Jeffrey Hartmann is not responsible for the texts of overviews and biographies supplied by external data sources.